Friday, November 5, 2010

Valleys of Sorrow to Rivers of Joy

I have had a rough couple of days. I feel blessed to have a husband who said to me last night, "You should take tomorrow off." I'll admit it was probably exactly what I wanted to do, but wouldn't have done unless suggested. So, now I'm very grateful to be home for the day in order to process all that has happened this week. Here's a recap.

Lesson #1 - Unruly 8th Graders
This week I was called to substitute for a two day job on Wednesday and Thursday. It was at a middle school that I have been to several times and despite the subjects being Science and Math (least favorite for an English teacher) I accepted and was excited about seeing the same kids for more than one day. However, one particular group of children (that were with me twice a day) were just not the pick of the litter. They were challenging everything I said and just not staying on task at all. Finally, by the last period of the second day I had to give it up to the Lord and just say, "Alright God, I can't do this." It was a very difficult thing to admit, because I like to think that I am capable all the time (ha!)

Lesson #2 -
Fraudulent Bank Charge
On Wednesday, (after coming home from the first day of crazy 8th graders) Anthony was checking our bank statement online and noticed a charge that looked suspicious. He called me to investigate and sure enough, it was a fraudulent charge. Granted, it was only for like $4.50, but the feeling that someone could possibly have access to your bank information is very scary! Thankfully, it was only "in process" and this morning it disappeared on our statement. Thank you Jesus!

Lesson #3 - Email Hacked
As if my bank account weren't enough, I came home on Thursday to find an email sent out from my junk email address to everyone in my contacts list. Yeah, if you got an email from "Chanell Eustice" with no subject and an email link--delete it! At this point I was feeling so out of control of my life and really just at the point of tears.

Needless to say, I have been going through some trials right now and would appreciate prayer if possible. I know that this all will pass and God has some character building badge to put on my Brownie sash, but at this time I'm just dragging my feet through this valley looking forward to the other side.


  1. Wow, Chanell, what a day! I'm so sorry for the pile-up. Any 1 of those things is enough to fill a day and night. Let me know if there's anything I can do!

  2. oh my word! what a crazy day! i know its been a couple days since then, but i hope things are settling down and that your dad is hanging in there! love you!
